GMDA Launches Projects To Oversee Traffic, Screen Pollution Level

GMDA Launches Projects To Oversee Traffic, Screen Pollution Level

A 'smart traffic signal control framework' will before long be dynamic in Gurgaon, under which traffic signals will work in a way that they help forestall gridlocks in the event of a mishap in any part of the city, and will likewise keep on working in any event, when there is no power. This was uncovered at the eighth meeting of the Gurugram Metropolitan Development Authority (GMDA) on Friday, which was led by Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar.

At the meeting, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the GMDA, Sudhir Rajpal said, "A shrewd traffic signal control framework is being introduced in the city. Under this, traffic signals will work so that if there is a mishap at any spot, traffic will get redirected and there will be no issue of traffic jams at that spot. Also, regardless of whether power goes, traffic signals will work easily."

Aside from this, authorities uncovered that a CCTV-based public safety and traffic the management framework is being made in the city, as a feature of which 1000 CCTV cameras have effectively been introduced, which are presently being connected to the e-challan framework. Up until this point, authorities said, 28 cameras have been associated so a programmed challan arrives at the proprietor of any vehicle on the off chance that they disregard traffic rules in that zone.

The GMDA will likewise before long be utilizing innovation to screen improvement of illicit colonies just as the pollution level. "Another Geographic Information System (GIS) Project is being attempted as a feature of which the GMDA will utilize drone cameras to make a live observing framework. This will assist with observing advancement of any unlawful colonies and furthermore screen contamination levels," said the CEO.

With monsoon round the corner, authorities, at the meeting, said work has begun to clean all master drains in the city to guarantee there is no waterlogging this year. Long haul endeavors towards decreasing water logging are likewise being made, said authorities, uncovering that the GMDA hopes to make 135 kilometers of sewerage line network slit free before the current year's over. Moreover, an activity plan is being set up to make Gurgaon a "zero discharge city" as per which the green belt along the streets will be extended by one foot from the level of the street. Accordingly, it is normal that water will go into the green belt rather than the street and gradually leak in the ground.

At Friday's meeting, authorities additionally uncovered that four significant continuous projects in the city, aggregately costing around Rs 280 crore, will be finished by October. These are the road improvement work from Umang Bharadwaj Chowk to Dwarka Expressway, and improvement of the Huda City Center junction, Atul Kataria Chowk, and Mahavir Chowk. Aside from these conversations, at the meeting on Friday, a proposition for the exchange of around more than two sections of land of land in Sector 92 to the Municipal Corporation of Gurugram (MCG) for the development of a fire station was affirmed.

Preceding leading the GMDA meeting, the Chief Minister, on Friday, introduced four projects, which have in total been finished at an expense of more than Rs 10.60 crore. These include establishment of 70 shrewd classrooms for Gurgaon and Mewat, and establishment of 330 keen study halls in 165 other government schools in the state. Different undertakings introduced were Project E-Lakshyavahini, under which preparing will be given to 10,000 students in the state for in excess of 100 competitive tests, and an 'advance life support emergency vehicle' which will be utilized by the Civil Hospital in Manesar.

The Chief Minister Friday additionally established the renovation stone for the remodel of the Sheetla Mata Mandir, which is being done at an expense of Rs 200 crore. The temple, authorities say, will have the ability to oblige 5 lakh devotees whenever it is remodelled.

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Close friend 2021-04-11 14:50:45

Bharat mata ki jai! Vande matram! Mera bharat mahan

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